R14 Cartesian Robot

R14 Miniature Cartesian robotic positioning system

The R14 is a two or three axis Cartesian positioning system designed for highly accurate, repeatable positioning of product under some process.
The R14 is, in fact, just a mechanism which may be optionally fitted in any enclosure to suit the application. The picture above shows two-axis R14 positioner .

Internal software: ROBOFORTH II with extension for simple commands such as:
16 GOTO - positions plate at well 16 i.e. for a 96-well (12x8) plate row 2 collumn 4
384 wells are equally easy.
EJECT - brings plate/rack out at front of unit.
Communication is by RS232 serial (e.g.COM1).
Programmable: In addition you can program the device to do anything you want, for example you connect a signal or switch to one of the inputs and program it to increment the well number each time the signal is given.

Another application for R14 is this cooling cabinet designed to store reagents at low temperature. Cooled with Peltier devices and intelligent PID controller it can hold 0.1 deg C down to 1 deg C. The R14 is used to open slats in the top of the cabinet to allow access by the transport robot.
